Meet the Members: Karen Grier

Meet the Members: Karen Grier
Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Rebecca Schinsky
Status: Current
Date Posted: Mon, Mar 3 2025
This month, we're kicking off a new series to celebrate the people that make GRC what it is. Karen Grier (pictured right) has been a Sweet Adeline since March 2002.  Twenty-three years of harmony and fun! She sings lead, serves as GRC's events coordinator, and has a spreadsheet and a smile for every occasion. 

How did you come to GRC?
I was driving to work and heard a commercial on the radio from Jan Owen's quartet about a Valentine's program, "Send Your Love," which is also a song, and a number to call to join the chorus. I called and spoke to Carolyn Belgrad and then attended the performance.

What's one of your best memories with the chorus?
This one is not easy but, I think my favorite moment was stepping out on stage, 2005, with a brand new director, Roger Tarpy, brand new costume, created by Diane Beckon, two new songs, and new choreography that put us back in first place. We were heading to Las Vegas and that in itself was memorable!  
What is something surprising or interesting you've learned as a Sweet Adeline?
How much I love harmony.  I love learning the other parts and how they fit in and how this craft works. I love Vera getting geeky with us, and numbers, and colors and the baritone section and Vera allowing us to experiment in other parts!

How has being a member of GRC changed your life?
Definitely for better. I'm older, so that helps too, but I'm leaning into change instead of fighting change and allowing it to fit me.

What's your favorite song in GRC's repertoire? Least favorite?
HAHA there are so many!!! For both. I absolutely do not like "Sweet Dreams" or "Sentimental Journey." YUK!  I love the old stuff.  I'm a Sweet Adeline and I love singing the old ballads. Right now, I would say "Bridge Over Troubled Water" is my favorite because when I sing it, I see the squares of us singing through COVID "together" on Zoom.

What do you do outside GRC?
I lead my women's group at my church. I have been blessed to do this. I was moderator in 2017-2019, 98 members, and then asked again for 2023-2025, 40 members. This time was a little different, maybe my age, but I feel that I grew a little more this time. To appreciate that I am human and have made mistakes but to know that I can fix them now.  

Anything else you want to share?
I am 70 years old this year. I traveled to compete in the Diamond Division quartet contest last year and married the sweetest man in the world in November. I am still growing, learning, and loving life.